
Greetings and Welcome to AngelBreath Designs

Seeing what has happened to other pixel sites on the net (including raw outline sites) and wanting to protect my own hard work as much as possible I have chosen to go with a paid membership website.  I had hoped to keep my site free for everyone to use but the donation buttons have generated absolutely no income to help support the costs of my website.  I’ve had nine other websites of my own and maintained them totally by myself cost wise over the past 15 years that I have been online.  One by one, I have closed them all down.  "AngelBreath" is my last ... and only ... website ... and AngelBreath Designs is just one small part.  If AngelBreath Designs is anything like a few of my other sites I am sure it will become popular very quickly ... and grow.

I know that many other sites have experienced outright thefts, no credit for their work, excessive bandwidth use and other problems.  I do not wish to have to go through these issues myself.

Therefore to protect myself and continue to provide quality pixel work for you I am offering paid memberships.  My site will have irregular updates (at least one a month but probably a lot more ... and right now I am doing them almost daily in my efforts to get everything online) but there will be no mailing list and no set day that I will update on.  Your password is never to be shared.  The membership is for one person only.  There will be no refunds once you have been given access to my site.  I have ISP and IP tracking and banning among other security features.  Anyone caught breaking my terms will be removed and banned.  I have copywritten my work and will pursue action if I find my rights being abused.  If you are NOT looking to steal or abuse my rights and have honest intentions then you have absolutely nothing to worry about. :)

There are only so many ways you can pixel something and I have seen a lot of duplication of ideas and work on the net … this does not mean to say people have not originated their own work themselves however it is quite another matter to accuse people of stealing.  I may inadvertently copy an idea just as someone else might ... or seen something I thought was a neat idea (like making a train) and then gone ahead and made my own … however having identical items is quite another matter.  I have seen my work and others claim it as their own.  I have seen my ideas in use and similar work but it isn’t mine.  Learn to tell the difference.  For two examples … I was the only one making window blinds when everyone else was making curtains for dolls yet now I see many windows with variations of blinds.  I made a certain type of standing lamp when no one else was making them yet now I see many variations of my work.  I am flattered because people copied my ideas.  Just don’t claim my actual drawings as your own.  On the other hand you cannot claim certain normal, every day body pose positions as your own … our bodies only move in certain ways.  The same rule goes for hair, colour charts, etc.  How can anyone claim certain colours were theirs?  Get real.  Get a life.  There is much more to this but I am not going to explain it all because this is how we catch those who commit fraud.

I rarely use anything from anyone else's sites because I prefer to make my own things therefore I am sorry to say that offering to trade me memberships will not work.  Besides I require money to keep this site online ... I don't think my server will accept trades.  LOL

I am not planning on keeping stats later on ... however right now I am ... but as I get busier they are not important to me so I will probably drop them.

Click on the sample links for some previews of my work.  I have both raw and finished outlines and tags for your use.  I can and will make some individual finished personalized tags upon request for you to use for a very small fee ... I have been known to surprise members with personalized tags too.  ;-)

I am not an unreasonable person and I am very easy to get along with so if you have any questions feel free to write me … I can always say yes  LOL  or no … depends on the issue.  *smiles*

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You should have either a member or non-membership website.  If you do not have a website and are still interested in acquiring some of my work contact me and we may be able to work something out.

For those who have member or non-membership pixel websites ... the tube license is available for your coloured and finished work only for $35 ~ this means all my outlines must be coloured by you before being offered to anyone else either in tubes or as adoptions ~ this means no raw outlines of mine are to be offered by you.  You may sell your coloured and finished outlines and you may tube these same outlines but you cannot use my own finished graphics in them.  In this way your work will be unique to your site and it will stop some repeated duplication on the net.  You may purchase this at any time.  A license will be sent to you A.S.A.P. after payment is received.

Anyone who plans to use my work for craft items needs to purchase a lifetime commercial license which is available upon request.  This is for anyone, whether registered as a business or not, who plans to use my work and includes, but is not limited to: all crafters, painters, card makers, school districts, embroidery, cross stitch, quilters, needlepoint, colouring pages, candy wrappers, etc.  You are denied the other membership and I reserve the right to revoke any membership purchased with false intentions without notice and without refund.  No website is required.  A license will be sent to you A.S.A.P.  after payment is received.

The licenses I provide must be displayed in your membership areas and/or in your listings of membership.

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Please take the time to read my TOUs and have a look at my Price List.  My price list will open in a new window.  If you have any questions feel free to email me.

Victoria / AngelBreath

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